Air Quality Dunrite

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10 Common HVAC Myths

10 Common HVAC Myths

Maintaining an efficient and well-functioning HVAC system at home means that your home is comfortable and eco-friendly. By making sure that your air ducts, filters, air conditioning units, coils, and fins are clean and in good condition, you’ll reduce energy expenditure and save more on electric bills.

Neglecting your HVAC system’s air conditioner maintenance and upkeep can lead to frequent interruptions, major repairs, unfixable damages, and expensive bills.

So, instead of waiting for its inevitable decline and decreasing performance, it’s best to stay ahead and invest in regular air conditioner servicing. You can also do your part as a homeowner by avoiding harmful practices when it comes to furnace maintenance and HVAC care.

Here are some of the common HVAC myths that contribute to bad practice:

  • Bigger is better

Installing a large HVAC system in a regular-sized home is a bad idea. While you might think that the bigger the HVAC, the better it’ll be in filtering and maintaining the room temperature.

However, installing an oversized system in your home may lead to various problems. In addition to you paying higher electricity bills, your system will also experience short cycling and premature shutdowns. This can shorten the lifespan of your unit and have you calling for an air conditioner repair emergency frequently.

When you’re installing an HVAC unit, make sure that it’s proportionate to the size of the room. For example, if you have a 2.5-ton home, then a 3-ton unit is enough.

  • If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

If you’re not experiencing any problems with your HVAC system, it can be a good sign. However, it doesn’t mean that no maintenance is needed.

Scheduling a regular HVAC system check-up to evaluate potential and underlying issues is crucial to prevent future damage. Always remember, that a working system doesn’t mean it’s a healthy system. So, hire an expert.

  • Duct tape for duct leaks

A duct tape is not advisable for duct leaks

Duct tape does not fix leaks or damaged air ducts. Duct tape is also made of plastic and flammable material. Using it to fix chimney flue problems can cause it to melt, leading to more damage and potential fires. Instead of using duct tape, foil tape is the better alternative for temporary fixes.

  • Computation based on the area of the house only

When installing the right HVAC system in your home, you shouldn’t rely on knowing the area size alone. Different factors can contribute to an HVAC system’s efficiency and performance. These include the number of windows, the direction your house is facing, the pane classification for your windows, home insulation, ceiling height, and door efficiency in preventing drafts.

Taking all of these into consideration is crucial to determining the HVAC system that suits you. Create a chart and evaluate each category.

  • A new HVAC system will increase the house value

Installing a brand new HVAC system in a house that you’re planning to sell may seem like a good investment, thinking that it would help in increasing its selling price. However, average homeowners who are planning to buy your property are not experts in HVAC units. What they’ll simply be looking for is if it needs immediate repair.

If you tell potential buyers that you’ve installed an updated your HVAC system to a brand that’s not recognizable, they might hold it against you and question its integrity. As long as the current system is still working properly, it’s best to keep it as it is.

  • Only the HVAC system matters

An HVAC system can only do so much in maintaining a well-balanced indoor climate. If you have a home design that is not properly insulated and prone to energy leaks, then no matter how expensive your HVAC system may be, it’ll all be pointless.

To guarantee that you’re getting the best out of your air conditioning and heating unit, you should also invest in a “tight” home design that leaks the least energy possible.

  • A dense Air Filter is better

The standard filter for an HVAC system is 1 inch. However, some homeowners might think that the thicker the filter is, the better it is at its job. This is not true.

Denser filters block the natural airflow of your home’s indoor environment. It will also clog up faster and is harder to clean. So, instead of installing a thick single filter, upgrade to a layered filter system for better filtration, airflow, and less maintenance.

  • A high-efficiency HVAC unit will lower the bill

A more expensive, high-efficiency system has the potential to lower electric bills. However, this depends heavily on how you use it and how it works in your home. For homes situated in areas with extreme climates, installing these units is the best option. However, for homes located in areas with well-balanced weather, the savings is minimal.

The truth is that as long as you’re scheduling regular furnace servicing, your HVAC will be always at top efficiency.

  • Thermostat placement does not matter

Place your thermostat strategically for best performance

Where you place your thermostat is crucial. It’s important to remember that not every area in the house has the same heat energy level.

If you want your thermostat to perform well, it’s best to place it on an interior wall that is not adjacent to windows, not in direct sunlight, and not near any major appliances. These factors can cause uncontrolled dips and spikes in the temperature. In addition, the right settings will save your energy consumption as well.

  • The air handler is the same as the furnace

The air handler, as its name suggests, manages your house’s airflow. Compared to the furnace, its main component is a motor and fan to circulate air. While both may have similar functions, the inner workings and maintenance needs of an air handler is different. So, if your air handler is broken, don’t call an expert in furnace repair and state that your furnace needs repair. You should specify that it is the air handler that needs fixing.

An HVAC systems’ job is to sustain the comfort and safety of the people in the room. With its heating and cooling abilities, it’s able to regulate the temperature and create a conducive indoor climate. It also filters dust particles and unclean air that may be detrimental to the occupant’s health. However, to keep it in peak performance, it needs regular maintenance.

As a homeowner, you need to observe best practices to keep your HVAC system running for a long time. For your heating, ventilation, and air conditioner repair in Mississauga or maintenance services, trust the experts. Call Air Quality Dunrite today at (416) 342-1939.

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